
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por Rachel Salinas em 05-11-2014.
Rachel Salinas
FlashCards por Rachel Salinas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rachel Salinas
Criado por Rachel Salinas mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Unselfish, concerned with the welfare of others Altruistic
To express agreement; agreement Assent
One who does good to others Benefactor
Marked by honor, courtesy, and courage; knightly Chivalrous
Mercy, humaneness; mildness, moderateness Clemency
A lack, scarcity, inadequate supply; a famine Dearth
Shy, lacking self-confidence; modest, reserved Diffident
A difference; a lack of agreement Discrepancy
To go aboard; to make a start; to invest Embark
Easily done or attained; superficial; ready, fluent; easily shown but not sincerely felt. Facile
Unconquerable, refusing to yield Indomitable
Free from error; absolutely dependable Infallible
To walk heavily or slowly; to work slowly Plod
Causing a sharp sensation; stinging, biting Pungent
Neglectful in performance of one's duty, careless Remiss
To rest, lie, place, relaxation, peace of mind, calmness Repose
Rashness, Boldness Temerity
Fierce and cruel; aggressive; deadly, destructive; scathingly harsh Truculent
Sincere, real, without pretense Unfeigned
Extremely poisonous; full of malice; spiteful Virulent


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