French All Family Vocab


This pack of flash cards contains all of the vocabulary form the 'Family' section of AS French. Feel free to take advantage of them.
FlashCards por jackdavidburke19, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por jackdavidburke19 mais de 9 anos atrás

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to grant, to give accorder
atmasphere l'ambiance
to appear apparaitre
to ensure, to guarantee assurer
stepchildren les beaux-enfants
in nightclubs en boite
happiness le bonheur
upheaval le bouleversement
to quote, to state citer
to lead to conduire a
advice les coneils
to shout crier
blame, guilt la culpabilite
more and more de plus en plus
relaxed decontracte
to argue, to disagree se disputer
selfishness egoisme
to encourage encourager
to lose one's temper s'enerver
firm ferme
Uncertainty l'incertitude
to worry about, to become anxious s'inquieter de
unbearable intenable
forbidden interdit
badly, not very well mal
despite, in spite of malgre
unhappiness le malheur
only ne...que
nothing ne...rien
to deny nier
not necessarily the fault of pas forcement la faute de
to think of/ to think about penser a
several plusieurs
as for (their) mates quant aux copains
break-up la rupture
sensitive sensible
safe, secure sur
As a mesure que
to accuse someone of accuser quelqu'un de (+infinitive)
gang la bande
to sulk bouder
there will be trouble ca va fumer!
to try to chercher a + infinitive
in common en commun
in it together complice
intimacy la complicite
to confide in confier a
to confuse confondre
acquaintance la connaissance
to be built se construire
to upset contrarier
to cutt (off) couper
to relax, to let off steam se defouler
to expose/to blow the whistle on denoncer
to support epauler
hopelessly eperdument
intentionally/on purpose expres
loyal fidele
if it was necessary s'il le fallait
to miss, to be missing manquer
nursery school la maternelle
to threaten to menacer de
ready to support me prete a m'epauler
someone who is quelqu'un de
to recognise oneself se reconnaitre
to solve resoudre
nothing is more certain rien de plus sur
to break off (a relationship/friendship) rompre avec
without them sans eux
sense of humour le sens de l'humour
to get drunk se souler
to follow suivre
to be very close to someone tenir a quelqu'un
to fall in love with tomber amoureux de
to turn sour tourner au vinaigre
to betray trahir
betrayal ta trahison
comfortably, without worrying tranquillement
truth la verite
to see eachother se voir
what's the point of...? a quoi bon + infinitive?
to increase s'accroitre
to distance, to alienate aliener
anchor l'ancre
to reach atteindre
help! au secours
as much as autant que
financial benefit le benefice financier
to shatter briser
to fall, to plummet chuter
civic duty le civisme
living together le concubinage
restriction, constraint la contrainte
decade la decennie
depressed deprime
divorce rate la divortialite
enlightened eclaire
wife, spouse l'epouse
test, on trial a l'essai
at the same time a la fois
home le foyer
increase, rise la hausse
to imply impliquer
share la part
feminine side la part feminine
the (contraceptive) pill la pilule
to reject rejeter
distribution, sharing la repartition
retirement, pension la retraite
simply to rien que pour + infinitive
excess (in numbers) le surcroit
household chore la tache au foyer
belatedly tardivement
birth rate le taux de natalite
marriage rate (per year) le taux de nuptialite
one third un tiers
to target, to be aimed at viser


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