
FlashCards sobre Sem título, criado por Misael jimenez6529 em 30-01-2015.
Misael jimenez6529
FlashCards por Misael jimenez6529, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Misael jimenez6529
Criado por Misael jimenez6529 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . were eating.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . were talking.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . was helping.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . were runimg.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . was reading.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . was holding.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . was laughfinng.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . was talking.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. was serving.
to read , to call , to help, to hold , to talk , to to eat , to laugh , to run . was drinking.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. were eating.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. was cuting.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. were bakeing.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. was peeling.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. were ordering.
to cook, to serve , to drink , to peel , to bake , to eat , to order , to cut. was cooking.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. were drying.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. was touching.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. were swimming.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. was makeing.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. was washing.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. were wearting.
to touch , to make , to tie , to wash , to dry , to wear , to swim. was tying.
to hold , to lift , to rub , to bend , to shake , to stretch , to cover. was lifting.
to hold , to lift , to rub , to bend , to shake , to stretch , to cover. were holding.
to hold , to lift , to rub , to bend , to shake , to stretch , to cover. was rubbing.


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