Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines


FlashCards sobre Equations of Horizontal and Vertical Lines, criado por Jessica Skipper em 01-05-2020.
Jessica Skipper
FlashCards por Jessica Skipper, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jessica Skipper
Criado por Jessica Skipper quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is the equation of the line shown? x = -2
What is the equation of the graph shown? x = 1
What is the equation of the graph shown? y = -2
What is the equation of the graph shown? y = 4
Is the graph of x = 5 a vertical line or a horizontal line? Vertical line
A horizontal line is one that... goes straight across.
Is the graph of y = 9 a vertical line or a horizontal line? Horizontal line
A vertical line is one that... goes straight up and down.
Which type of lines have an undefined slope? Vertical lines
Which type of lines have a zero slope? Horizontal lines


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