Enlightened Despotism


Enlightened Despotism
FlashCards por JUAN ALFONSO MENDEZ MARQUEZ, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por JUAN ALFONSO MENDEZ MARQUEZ mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Frederick the great The king of prussia was influenciated on Voltaire and he improve rules in Prussia as one of the best European Nations in does years.
Peter the great These despot was contemporary of Louis XIV of France , He tried to make Russia a part of the European Union after centuries of mongols domination, and he might not be considered as despot.
Catherine the great These despot woman wife of peter III, she read the works of voltaire and Montesquieu, so then she codified the Russian law, patrozined arts, created hospitals and undertook other public projects.
Maria Theresa These woman established a national army, and also she limited the power of the catholic church and she also improved the educational system.
Joseph II These man which mother was Maria Theresa, continued with his mother plans, and also, he abolished serfdom a introduced a single tax for everybody.


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