Chapter 4: Using the Internet


Using the internet to find information
Elizabeth Alessandro
FlashCards por Elizabeth Alessandro, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Elizabeth Alessandro
Criado por Elizabeth Alessandro mais de 3 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
ISP (Internet Service Provider) A company that provides internet access to your home or business
Wi-Fi (Wireless Internet) Stands for "wireless fidelity". It connects a device to the internet without cables or cords
Web Browsers A type of software used to access websites on the internet. There are 5 common browsers
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Edge
web address (URL) Websites use web addresses, or URLs, to locate specific websites. Web addresses all have a protocol and a domain name
Protocol HTTP:// = Not a secure website HTTPS:// = A secure website
Domain Name The name that identifies the website (Example:
Domain Name Extension .com .edu .gov .org
Search Engines Used to search for information on the internet. Most common search engines:
Downloading A transferring a file from the internet or between computers
Virus A software that infects a computer without your knowledge or permission, such as unwanted pop-up messages
Malware Malicious software - is software that causes harm to your computer
Spyware A software that gathers your personal information
Randsomware Software that holds your files hostage until you pay a fee to the "kidnapper"
Phishing The practice of tricking users into giving away personal data, like bank account information or passwords
Antivirus Software Software that protects the computer from viruses


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