89. People Use Different Error Strategies


FlashCards sobre 89. People Use Different Error Strategies, criado por Thiara Aquino em 23-09-2015.
Thiara Aquino
FlashCards por Thiara Aquino, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Thiara Aquino
Criado por Thiara Aquino mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Systematic Explorations Means that they plan out what procedures they’ll use to correct the error. (i.e, they work their way through all the choices, starting with the first option)
Trial and Error Explorations Means that the person randomly tries out different actions, menus, icons, and controls.
Rigid Explorations Doing the same action over and over, even though it doesn’t solve the error.
Older adults complete tasks differently than younger adults Don’t assume that a population will be unable to finish a task just because they’re older. They may do it differently, and it may take more time, but they may be able to complete as many tasks as younger people.


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