Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency__me..i_ intransverb primary & second object (in context) - Sheet1


College Languages - Unit 4: Shopping & Bargaining (Grammar For Fluency) FlashCards sobre Unit 04_Grammar for Fluency__me..i_ intransverb primary & second object (in context) - Sheet1, criado por SLS Indonesian em 27-05-2022.
SLS Indonesian
FlashCards por SLS Indonesian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
SLS Indonesian
Criado por SLS Indonesian aproximadamente 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Dia menanami sawahnya dengan padi. He planted his field with rice.
Para demonstran melempari wartawan dengan batu. The demonstrators pelted the journalists with stones.
Ibu menyirami (bunga) dengan air. (siram = be cascaded with water, to water) Mother sprays flowers with water.
Saya mengolesi (badan) dengan minyak. (oles = spread) I smeared (body with oil.
Mereka melayani (tamu) dengan makanan yang enak. (layan = serve) They are serving (the guest) with delicious food.
Mereka memuati (truk) dengan batu bara. (muat = contain, hold, accommodate) They are loading (the truck) with coal.
Dia membebani (orang) dengan banyak tugas. (beban = load, responsibility) He burdens (the person) with lots of duty.
Ibu menaburi (makanan) dengan garam. (tabur = sprinkle, scatter) Mother sprinkles food with salt.
Kami menghiasi (kamar) dengan banyak bunga. (hias = decorate, adorn) We decorated the room with many flowers.
Wisatawan membanjiri (negeri) itu dengan uang. (banjir = floor) Tourists flood the country with money.
Dia menutupi (mata) dengan tangan. (tutup = close, cover) She covered eyes with hand.
Mereka menulisi (kertas) dengan pena. (tulis = write) They write on paper with a pen.
Ayah melampiri (surat) dengan kwitansi. (lampir = attach, enclose) Father enclosed a receipt in the letter.
Pasukan menghujani (musuh) dengan bom. (hujan = rain) The troops rain on enemy with bombs.
Ibu sedang menuangi (cangkir) dengan teh. (tuang = pour) Mother is pouring tea into the cup.


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