Croatian_Unit 2_Day 2


FSI Language Training Croatian Basic Course, 2022 FlashCards sobre Croatian_Unit 2_Day 2, criado por FSI Croatian em 27-06-2022.
FSI Croatian
FlashCards por FSI Croatian, atualizado more than 1 year ago
FSI Croatian
Criado por FSI Croatian quase 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
osoba person
kat floor
onaj čovjek that man (over there)
znači this means
udata, udana married (woman)
oženjen married (man)
Ima li djece? Does he/she have any kids?
još, (još jedno pitanje) still, also, (one more question)
pitanje question
sedam seven
dvoje djece two kids
supruga wife
ispod under
stan apartment
na desno on the right, to the right
susjed, susjeda neighbor
sigurno surely, certainly
Vrlo čudno! Very strange!
pozdraviti to greet, say hello
pitati to ask
ništa nothing
jedva barely
nitko nobody
netko somebody
tamo over there
navečer in the evening
događati se to be happening
Nema nikoga. There is nobody.
prizemlje young
ured office
buka noise
nasred hodnika in the middle of the corridor
navodno supposedly
odgovoriti to respond, answer
čini mi se it seems to me
pričljiv, pričljiva talkative
mlad, mlada young
tuđa posla other people’s business
Žao mi je. I am sorry.
Nisam Vas dugo vidjela. I have not seen you in a while.


Quiz Geral
Evolução biológica
Simulado de física
Alessandra S.
Edital da ReceitaFederal Auditor Fiscal
Alessandra S.
Phrasal Verbs - Inglês #1
Eduardo .
História da informática
Renato Costa
Direito Civil
GoConqr suporte .
Seguridade Social 3 - Organização e Princípios Constitucionais
André Cavallini
Pré Modernismo e Modernismo
Alyne Mascareli
Gabriela Vianna
Patologia Geral - Hipertensão Arterial (Geral)