Module 2: Configure and manager Hyper-V > Unit: Create and configure VMs


FlashCards sobre Module 2: Configure and manager Hyper-V > Unit: Create and configure VMs, criado por Rick Schoenman em 20-09-2022.
Rick Schoenman
FlashCards por Rick Schoenman, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Rick Schoenman
Criado por Rick Schoenman mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
In Hyper-V manager, VM settings are grouped in 2 main sections. Which sections are this? - Hardware - Management
Hyper-V configuration files are separated in 2 formats. Which formats are these? - .vmcx - .vmrs
Where is .vmcx file used for? The .vmcx file is used for configuring VMs
Where is the .vmrs file used for? The .vmrs file is used for storing runtime data
Can you edit .vmrs and .vmcx files manually? No, these files must be edited using the Hyper-V manager or Powershell.
There is a table listing all the hardware available for Generation 1 VM's .
There is a table listing all the hardware available for Generation 2 VM's .
There is a table listing all the management configuration settings .
How can you monitor resources that are used by a VM? Enable-VMResourceMetering cmdlet followed by the Measure-VM cmdlet


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