Private Peaceful (3)


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Freya Jackson
FlashCards por Freya Jackson, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Freya Jackson
Criado por Freya Jackson mais de 1 ano atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Where does Charlie hide Bertha? In a Shed in the Forrest
What 3 things does Grandma Wolf kill? A mouse, worms and a hedgehog
A major theme of the novel shown in care and brotherhood is what? Loyalty
Who is carried to base by Charlie Captain Wilkes
Quotation: "I'm older ___ ___ ___ ___ ___." "I'm older then him by one hour."
Quotation: "The sky lit up over the town ___ ___ ___ ___." "The sky lit up over the town like an angry sunset."
Context: Learning difficulties – In the 1900s many people were unaccepting of those with learning difficulties believing they should go where? Lunatic Asylums
Context: What is the affliction caused by traumas suffered in war and in other extreme circumstances? Shell shock/PTSD
Context: War poetry – name one poet who described the effects of war? Horrors Of War.
What device means exaggerating for dramatic effect? Hyperbole
What device is it when one thing is compared with another, ends in ‘er, e.g, stronger, slower, tastier? Comparative
Vocabulary: a word that means to be rude to explicit. Vulgar
Vocabulary: a word that means to be astonished, shocked, amazed? Dumbfounded
Vocabulary: a word that means a meeting at an agreed time or place? Rendezvous
Vocabulary: a word that means a minor wrongdoing? Misdemeanours
Vocabulary: a word that means bitterness about being treated unfairly? Resentment


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