4b. Skeletal System - the bony thorax + vertebral column


Masters Medicine (Intro to Medicine) FlashCards sobre 4b. Skeletal System - the bony thorax + vertebral column, criado por t.whittingham em 06-01-2016.
FlashCards por t.whittingham, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por t.whittingham mais de 8 anos atrás

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The Bony Thorax A structure that protects the gas exchanging mechanism involved in respiration. The skeletal part of the chest.
Components of the Bony Thorax Vertebral Column + vertebrae Ribs (+ their attachment to the vertebral column) Pectoral Girdle Pelvic Girdle Sternum
Vertebral Column Divided into 5 sections: 1. Cervical Vertebrae 2. Thoracic Vertebrae 3. Lumbar Vertebrae 4. Sacrum Vertebrae 5. Coccyx Vertebrae (Cats That Love Science Cry)
1. Cervical Vertebrae Vertebrae immediately below the skull. Main function = support weight of skull. Consists of 7 bones (C1 - C7) C1 = Atlas bone - supports skull for rotation ("yes" movement) C2 = Axis bone - the skull pivots on this ("no" movement).
2. Thoracic Vertebrae Middle Segment of the vertebral column - where the ribs attach. Made up of 12 vertebrae (T1-T12). Main function = protect the vital organs and hold the rib cage. Provide the basis for the respiratory framework.
3. Lumbar Vertebrae 5 vertebrae (L1-L5) between the rib cage + the pelvis. Largest segments of vertebrae column - due to stress put on part of spine through lifting and walking. Main function = support the weight of the body.
4. Sacrum Large triangular bone at the base of the spine - made by 5 sacral vertebrae fused together.
5. Coccyx Commonly referred to as the tailbone. Usually 3 (sometimes 4) fused vertebrae. Ancestral Trait.
Ribs Long curved bones which form the rib cage. We have 24 ribs (12 pairs). Capable of a degree of movement due to the elastic properties of the costal cartilage. This allows the ribs to elevate during respiration to increase the size of the thorax, and also twist without breaking.
3 classes of ribs 1. True ribs (upper ribs - pairs 1-7) = directly attached to the sternum. 2. False ribs (8, 9 + 10) - indirectly attached to the sternum 3. Floating ribs (11+12) = attached to the vertebrae - not to the sternum.
Sternum Also called the breastbone. Long flat bone located in the center of the chest. Protects the heart, lungs and major blood vessels.
The Pelvic Girdle Strong structure - attaches the legs to the vertebral column. Made up of the ischium, pubic bone, sacrum + ilium. The ilium provides the bulk of muscular support.
Pectoral Girdle Also known as the shoulder girdle. Connects the upper limbs to the axial skeleton. Includes the Scapula + the Clavicle. -> Scapula = shoulder blade. -> Clavicle = collar bone


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