Station Management


Interview prep for SO
FlashCards por drubarb, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por drubarb mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the Guiding Principles of the command and control policy? Safety (staff, patient, bystanders) Patients (Right pt, care, tools, time) Communication ( Written and Verbal)
What is the role of the forward commander? Regular (30 minute) reports to control centre using: METHANE Scorecard Updated classification (Green, White, Amber, Red) The forward commander is also responsible for the telephone notification/escalation of an incident to the appropriate matrix groups
What does the pneumonic METHANE stand for Major Incident Exact Location Type of incident Hazards Access and Egress Number of Patients Emergency services on scene/required
What is in the commanders toolkit? Smart triage tags Commander folder ITASCS forms Operational log book Major incident vest inserts AMPLAN action cards Local emergency plans Maps
What Does ITASCS stand for? Incident (What is it) Threats (What are the challenges) Actions (What's my plan) Support (What do I need) Communications Safety (ppe, food, fatigue)
What is the purpose of the operational log book? What was decided, why, when, how, who Implementation when, how Outcome, successful yes/no Reviewed yes/no


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