Feeding Relationships ♡


1 Science ♡ FlashCards sobre Feeding Relationships ♡, criado por lauren ♥ em 23-05-2016.
lauren ♥
FlashCards por lauren ♥, atualizado more than 1 year ago
lauren ♥
Criado por lauren ♥ quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is biomass ? ♡ The dry mass of material ♡
What is a carnivore ? ♡ An animal which only eats other animals ♡
What is an decomposer ? ♡ Something which eats dead plants ♡
What is a food web ? ♡ Many food chains linked together ♡
What is a herbivore ? ♡ An animal which eats only plants ♡
What does persistent mean ? ♡ Something in nature which doesn't get broken down very quickly ♡
What is a producer ? ♡ An organism that is able to make it's own food ♡
What is a primary consumer ? ♡ The first animal in a food chain ♡
What is a pyramid of numbers used for ? ♡ To show the numbers off different organisms in a food chain ♡
What is a secondary consumer ? ♡ The second animal in a food chain ♡
What is a tertiary consumer ♡ The third animal in a food chain ♡
What is a top predator ? ♡ The last animal in a food chain ♡
What is trophic level ? ♡ Each level on a pyramid of numbers ♡
In a food chain what do the arrows show ? ♡ The direction of energy flow ♡


Como Estudar Matemática
Alessandra S.
Simulado de física
Alessandra S.
Manual de Técnicas de Redação
Alessandra S.
Aplicações do Mapa Mental
Alessandra S.
Previdência X Seguridade
André Cavallini
Cronograma De Estudos
Hugo Nicolau
Sistemas do Corpo Humano
GoConqr suporte .
Sistema Digestório
Daniela Barreto3004
Princípios Expressos do Direito Administrativo
Davi Albino Damacena JR
Contextualização da Aula 1 - Tecnologia na Formação Profissional - SAÚDE
Fabrícia Assunção
Aleks Harbour