

Vocabulary building
dpn mody
FlashCards por dpn mody, atualizado more than 1 year ago
dpn mody
Criado por dpn mody aproximadamente 8 anos atrás

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Ampere a unit for measuring the rate at which electric current flows
ablaze; scorch burning fiercely;  to burn a surface of so as to change itscolor and texture; to dry or shrivel with or as if with intense heat; to afflict painfully with censure or sarcasm; devastate; to cause intense heat or mental anguish
able-bodied physically fit; not disabled.
ablutions the Act of washing yourself
abnegate to give up or refuse something that you want or that is your duty
abode house or home
abolish put an end to custom or law
abominable; abominate; abominable snowman morally wrong, wicked or disgusting; very bad, terrible; hate, detest; a yeti; a large, hairy man-like animal said to exist in the Himalayas
abomination something that you hate or find disgusting; a feeling of hatred
Aboriginal; Aborigin existing in a country from the earliest times; A native Australian Aboriginal
abort end something early because of a problem or a fault
abortion; abortive the deliberate ending of a human pregnancy; failing to get the intended result; unsuccessful
abound; abound in/with exist in large numbers or amounts; have a specific thing with large numbers or amounts
abrade; abrasion; abrasive scrape or wear away; the process of scraping or wearing away; able to polish or clean a surface by running or grinding; harsh or rough manner
abreast; abreast of side by side and facing the same way; up to date with
abridge shorten a text or film
abrogate  to end or cancel (something) in a formal and official way;  to fail to do what is required by (something,such as a responsibility) ;  to abolish by authoritative  action; to treat as nonexistent  <abrogating the irresponsibilities>
abject (abjectly) extremely unappealing and wretched; completely without pride or dignity


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