Unit 2 Disease And Insect Pests


Insect structure
Jess Belt
FlashCards por Jess Belt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jess Belt
Criado por Jess Belt mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What are the two types of eyes an insect can have? -simple -compound
Simple eyes are primitive eyes used for _______. Light perception instead if accurate vision.
Larvae only have simple or compound eyes? Simple eyes
Simple eyes are found on what part of the head? Top of head
Dorsal Ocelli are what type of eye Simple eye, found in the top of head
There is a max of ___ Dorsal Ocelli per insect. 3
Lateral Ocelli -Stemmata -weak power of perception
During metamorphosis, Lateral Ocelli are replaced by what? Compound eyes
What are the main 3 sections an insect's body? Head, thorax, abdomen
What are the three segments of an insect's thorax? Prothorax Mesathorax Metathorax
What type of skeletal system does an insect have and how does it affect the way it grows? -Exoskeleton -the insect molts (sheds) it's exoskeleton and grows a new one as it grows bigger and changes from a nymph to an adult


Unit 1 Disease And Insect Pests
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