BUAD 3040 Chapter 5


FlashCards sobre BUAD 3040 Chapter 5, criado por Linzy Packard em 26-09-2016.
Linzy Packard
FlashCards por Linzy Packard, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Linzy Packard
Criado por Linzy Packard mais de 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is a Time Line? A tool used in time value analysis; a graphical representation used to show the timing of cash flows
What is Future Value (FV)? The amount to which a cash flow (or series of cash flows) will grow over a given period of time at a given interest rate.
What is Present Value (PV)? Value today of a future cash flow (or series).
What is Compounding? The arithmetic process of determining the final value of a cash flow when compound interest is applied.
What is compound interest? Interest earned of prior interest.
What is Simple Interest? When interest is not earned on prior interest.
All other terms being equal, a shorter compound period yields... higher returns.
Which is better, a present dollar or a future dollar? Why? The present value of a dollar is better, because money in hand now can be invested to earn future returns.
What is the difference between compound interest and simple interest? Compound interest earns interest on prior earned interest. Simple interest only earns interest on the principle.
What is opportunity cost? Rate of return you could earn on an alternative investment of similar risk.
What is discounting? The process of finding the present value of a cash flow or series of cash flows; it is the opposite of compounding.
What is the formula for Future Value (FV)? PV*(1+I)^n
What is the formula for Present Value? FV/(1+I)^n
How is discounting related to compounding? Discounting is the process of finding the present value of a future value. It is the reverse of compounding.
How are the future value and present value equations related? Find present value and future value are opposites of each other, so the equation for present value is the equation for future value solved for present value.
How does to present value of a future payment change as the time to receipt is lengthened and as the interest rate increases? As the length of time and interest rate increases, the more money an investment generates, so the present value required to reach the same future value decreases.
What is the Rule of 72? The Rule of 72 is a method for estimating an investment's doubling time. 72/Interest Rate.
What is an annuity? A series of equal payments at fixed intervals for a specified number of periods.
What is an Ordinary (Deferred) Annuity? An annuity whose payments occur at the end of each period.
What is an Annuity Due? An annuity whose payments occur at the beginning of each period.
True of False: Financing a purchase with a load that requires scheduled payments of the same amount for a fixed period of time is considered an annuity. True
True or False: An annuity due is one in which payments or receipts occur at the beginning of each period. True
Why would you prefer to receive an annuity due for $10,000 per year for 10 years than an otherwise similar ordinary annuity? Because with an annuity due, each payment is shifted to the left by one year. You will receive one additional period's interest with an annuity due.


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