AGS Chap 3 Sec 1 Vocab


Terms to introduce and review
FlashCards por lynette.busch, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por lynette.busch aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
classify group things based on the features they share
taxonomy the science of classifying organisms based on the features they share
phylum subdivision of a kingdom
species a group of organisms that can breed with each other to produce offspring like themselves
scientific name name given to each species, consisting of its genus and its species label
biologist person who studies biology, the study of living things
kingdom One of the six groups into which living things are classified
class group of organism with similar characteristics, below phylum and above order
order families sharing a set of similar nature, between class and family
family taxonomic rank between genus and order
genus first word of scientific name, always capitalized and italicized (or underlined)


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