Energy from the nucleus


GCSE Physics Additional Science (AQA) FlashCards sobre Energy from the nucleus, criado por yusanr98 em 06-04-2014.
FlashCards por yusanr98, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por yusanr98 aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
What is nuclear fission? Nuclear fission is the splitting of a nucleus into two approximately equal fragments and the release of two or three neutrons.
When does a chain reaction occur? A chain reaction occurs in a nuclear reactor when each fission event causes further fission events.
What is nuclear fusion? Nuclear fusion is the process of forcing two nuclei close enough together so they form a single larger nucleus.
How can nuclei be made to fuse together? Nuclear fusion can be brought about by making two light nuclei collide at very high speed.
Where does the Sun's energy come from? Energy is released when two light nuclei are fused together. Nuclear fusion in the Sun's core releases energy.
Why is it difficult to make a nuclear fusion type? A fusion reactor need to be at very high temperature before nuclear fusion can take place. The nuclei to be fused are difficult t contain.
What is radon gas and why is it dangerous? Radon gas is an a-emitting isotope that seeps(flows) into houses in certain areas through the ground.
How safe are the nuclear reactors? There are thousands of fission reactors safely in use in the world.
How safe are the nuclear? Nuclear waste is stored in safe and secure conditions for many years after unused uranium and plutonium(to be used in the future) is removed form it.
What is a galaxy? A galaxy is a collection of billions of stars held together by their own gravity.
What was the universe like in the billions of years before stars and galaxies were formed? The universe was a dark patchy could of hydrogen and helium.
What is the force responsible for the formation of stars and galaxies? The force of gravity pulled matter into galaxies and stars.
What is a prostate? It is a gas and dust cloud in space that can go on to form a star.
What are the stages in the life for low mass star? Protostar->main sequence star->red giant->white dwarf->black dwarf
What are the stages in the life for high mass star? Protostar->main sequence star->red supergiant->supernova->neutron star->black hole if sufficient mass
What will happen eventually to the Sun? The Sun will eventually become a black dwarf.
What is a supernova? A supernova is the explosion of a supergiant after it collapses.
What chemical elements are formed inside stars? Elements as heavy as iron are formed inside stars as a results if nuclear fusion.
What chemical elements are formed in supernovas? Elements heavier than iron are formed in supernovas as well as light elements.
Why does the Earth contain heavy elements? The Sun and the rest of the Solar System were formed form the debris of supernova.


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