Domain 10 Test Review


Flashcards to review for our test on Colonial Times. Test is Friday.
mary paye
FlashCards por mary paye, atualizado more than 1 year ago
mary paye
Criado por mary paye aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
I am a tradesperson who builds walls and houses using bricks. Who am I? a bricklayer
I am a tradesperson who builds walls and houses using stones. Who am I? a mason
I am a tradesperson who works with wood and makes sure that I "measure twice and cut once." Who am I? a carpenter
I am tradesperson who heats iron and uses special tools to shape it into objects. Who am I? a blacksmith
I am a tradesperson who sews cloth together to make dresses. Who am I? a dressmaker
Who grows corn? the farmer
Who makes flour? a miller
Who bakes dough into bread? the baker
Who spins cotton into thread? the spinner
Who uses yarn to make cloth? a weaver
Who uses cloth to make clothes? the dressmaker and the tailor
Who uses leather to make shoes? the cobbler
Who uses bricks to build houses? the bricklayer
Who uses stones to build houses? the stone mason
Who uses wood to build houses? a carpenter
Who pounds iron into metal tools and horseshoes? the blacksmith


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