Constructions - Bisectors


Maths FlashCards sobre Constructions - Bisectors, criado por Liffey Farrell em 13-05-2017.
Liffey Farrell
FlashCards por Liffey Farrell, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Liffey Farrell
Criado por Liffey Farrell aproximadamente 7 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Perpendicular bisector of a line segment: The locus of a point which moves so that it is an equal distance from two points, A and B, is the perpendicular bisector of the line joining A and B Perpendicular mean at right angles to Bisector means cuts in half
To construct this locus, you do the following: Draw the line segment XY
Put your compass on X and set it to be over half way along the line. Draw an arc Without adjusting your compass put it on Y and draw anther arc
Label these points A and B Draw a straight line through A and B
The point M where the lines cross is the midpoint of XY. And AB is perpendicular to XY Bisecting an angle
V is the vertex of the angle we want to bisect Place your compass on V and draw an arc that crosses both sides of the angle
Label the crossing points A and B Place your compass on A and draw an arc between the two sides of the angle
Without adjusting your compass place it n B and draw another arc that cuts off the one you just drew. Label the point where they cross C Draw a straight line through V and C
The line VC bisects the angle. Angles AVC and BVC are equal REMEMBER: In an exam, do not rub out construction lines


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