Chapter 7


Vocabulary FlashCards sobre Chapter 7, criado por missjenig em 19-05-2013.
FlashCards por missjenig, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por missjenig mais de 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Questão Responda
Propensity (Chapter 7) A natural preference or tendency
Reprehensible (Chapter 7) Deserving of blame,criticism, or disapproval
Fortuitous (Chapter 7) Happening by chance, by accident, or at random; lucky
Solace (Chapter 7) Comfort in sorrow or misfortune; consolation
Liaison (Chapter 7) A person who serves as a connection between individuals or groups; a go-between
Equivocate (Chapter 7) To be deliberately vague in order to mislead
Impeccable (Chapter 7) Faultless; perfect
Solicitous (Chapter 7) Showing or expression concern, care, or attention
Predisposed (Chapter 7) Tending toward or open to something beforehand
Sham (Chapter 7) A pretense or counterfeit; something meant to deceive


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