Biochemistry Carbohydrates and Proteins


bacalaureat Dental Biochemistry Mapa Mental sobre Biochemistry Carbohydrates and Proteins, criado por Caroline Oxford em 21-05-2013.
Caroline Oxford
Mapa Mental por Caroline Oxford, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Caroline Oxford
Criado por Caroline Oxford aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Biochemistry Carbohydrates and Proteins
  1. Carbohydrates Cx(H2On)y Contains Hydroxyl group and Aldehyde or Ketone
    1. Monosaccharide
      1. Dissolve in water end in 'ose'
        1. Carbons denote name
          1. eg Pentose C5H10o5
            1. Hextose C6H12o6
              1. Glucose (Hextose)
      2. Disaccharide
        1. 2 Monosaccharides
          1. Glucose and
            1. Fructose
              1. Joined by condensation reaction
                1. (Glycosidic bond)
                  1. Makes Sucrose
          2. Polysaccharide
            1. Long chains of monosaccharides
              1. Not sweet
                1. Do not dissolve in water
          3. Proteins
            1. Amino Acid Chains
              1. Join by condensation reaction
                1. Forms a PEPTIDE bond
                  1. 4 structures
                    1. Pimary
                      1. Single strands of amino acid chains
                      2. Secondry
                        1. Protein folding using hydrogen bonds
                          1. alpha helix
                            1. Collegan
                            2. beta sheet
                          2. tritary
                            1. The way it is folded again, after 1st fold
                              1. can use 3 bonds
                                1. Hydrogen
                                  1. Ionic
                                    1. sulphur
                                2. Quaternary
                                  1. More than one polypeptide chain and can have other groups (Heam)
                            2. COOH group
                              1. and NH2 group


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