5 Aspects of Language


Education Mapa Mental sobre 5 Aspects of Language, criado por Bailey Wheeler em 25-09-2017.
Bailey Wheeler
Mapa Mental por Bailey Wheeler, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bailey Wheeler
Criado por Bailey Wheeler mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

5 Aspects of Language
  1. PHONOLOGICAL: sound-symbol relationship
    1. Phonemic awareness: sounds combine to make words
      1. Prosody: influxtion/intonation/rhythm etc. How we say/read words and sentences
      2. MORPHEMIC: word structure
        1. Free morphemes: words that can stand alone. (Ex. book)
          1. Bound morpheme: enhances, plurals word (ex. books)
            1. Derivational: prefixes/suffixes (happy --> unhappy)
              1. inflectional: changing verb tense (ran--> ran)
              2. Overgeneralizations: applying normal rules to irregular word (came--> come, not camed
              3. SEMANTIC: knowledge of word labels that specify concepts
                1. Schemata: builds with experience; gives meaning to language from experience and culture
                  1. Schema
                  2. PRAGMATIC: knowledge of how language is used differently in different settings.
                    1. Register: how you communicate (via phone, face to face, etc.)
                      1. Genderlect: boys and girls talk about different things
                      2. SYNTACTIC: knowledge of grammar ( how words are combined to make meaningful sentences.
                        1. Word order is important!


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