Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.


Mapa Mental sobre Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify., criado por Bruna Mendes da Silva em 28-09-2017.
Bruna Mendes da Silva
Mapa Mental por Bruna Mendes da Silva, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Bruna Mendes da Silva
Criado por Bruna Mendes da Silva mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Brazil’s environmental policy is fulfilling its role in light of the bill, which has been brought to congress, which allows (legalizes) deforestation in the Amazon? Justify.
  1. Yes. I think environmental policing is fulfilling its role for the law is not put into action.
    1. I think that the environmental policy is fulfilling its role because it would not be the entire Amazon free for deforestation.
      1. No. I think environmental policy is not fulfilling its role because they thought more about the money they would earn with deforestation than in the absence of habitat and nature.
        1. I think they are not fulfilling their role because deforesting a part of the Amazon, would decimate a part of the lung of the world.
          1. Environmental policy has laws that many people disagree with and others agree.
            1. The rules in environmental policy defend floras and faunas.


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