Drugs's action in the brain


Power of drugs on the brain Mapa Mental sobre Drugs's action in the brain, criado por Carine Lima em 27-05-2013.
Carine Lima
Mapa Mental por Carine Lima, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Carine Lima
Criado por Carine Lima quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Drugs's action in the brain
  1. To produce pleasure:


    • How do drugs work in the brain
    1. They Flood the circuit with dopamine


      • Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that regulate movement, emotion, cognition, motivation, and feelings of pleasure.
      1. Inroduces the euphoric effects
        1. Teaches the people to repeat the behavior
          1. and become addicts
      2. It stimulates the brain's pleasure circuit
        1. The brain notes that something important is happening
          1. Teaches us to do it again
            1. We learn to abuse drugs
        2. Some drugs can release 2 to 10 times the amount of dopamine
          1. that natural rewards do.
          2. If you keep taking drugs:
            1. The dopamine's impact on the reward circuit become abnormally low
              1. The ability to experience any pleasure is reduced.
            2. The drugs...
              1. Erodes a person's self-control
                1. erodes ability to make sound decisions
                  1. Destroy your life:
                    1. Familiar
                      1. Social
                        1. Professional


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