Neurons or Nerve Cells


Mapa Mental sobre Neurons or Nerve Cells, criado por Farah Khairy em 15-11-2017.
Farah  Khairy
Mapa Mental por Farah Khairy, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Farah  Khairy
Criado por Farah Khairy mais de 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Neurons or Nerve Cells
  1. They're the building block of the Nervous System.
    1. Types: Bipolar, Uni-polar, Multi-polar, and Pyramdical Cell.
      1. Soma or "Cell body" is a neuron's life support
        1. Dendrites: receive messages to activate action potential.
          1. Axon: Delivers messages to other neurons
            1. Myelin Sheath: Fatty layer of tissue surrounding the neuron, in order to insulate the electricity inside the neuron from the outside.
              1. Synapse: Small gap between the neurons. Process: 1) Axon terminal-- 2) Synaptic Gap -- 3) Receptor Sites
                1. Extra neurons go back to the original cell in a process called "Re-uptake"
                  1. They cause motion and emotion.
                    1. They're connected to the brain and spinal cord.
                      1. Neurotransmitters change moods.


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