The Myers-Briggs


Mapa Mental sobre The Myers-Briggs, criado por ashleyjsmit em 09-06-2013.
Mapa Mental por ashleyjsmit, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por ashleyjsmit quase 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The Myers-Briggs
  1. Reasons for using: it is a self-report instrument, non-judgmental, way to sort and not measure, well researched and regarded, used widely
    1. Benefits
      1. To the Organisation: logical explanation of consistent human behaviour; reduces personal and organisational conflict; emphasizes the value of diversity; identifies strengths and blind spots; helps clarify fit between person and job; valid, reliable, ethical
        1. NOT a prediction of performance
        2. To the Individual: straight forward, affirmative path to understanding yourself better; provides a way to improve your communication patterns; helps identify sources of conflict; helps you to value yourself and your own unique contributions; helps restore vitality and reduce stress; improves motivation and communication
        3. E-I "How are you energised?"
          1. 'E' - good at greeting people; impatient with slow jobs; prefer to communicate by talking
            1. 'I' - work alone contently; prefer to learn by reading rather than communicating; have trouble remembering names/faces
            2. S-N "How do you acquire information?
              1. 'S' - like an established way of doing things; may not often be inspired; good at precise work
                1. 'N' - dislike doing the same thing repeatedly; work in bursts of energy; can over-complicate a task
                2. T-F "How do you prefer to make decisions?
                  1. 'T' - respond more to people's ideas than feelings; need to be treated fairly; talent for analysing solution; may hurt people's feelings without knowing
                    1. 'F' - need occasional praise; enjoy pleasing people; sympathetic; will work to make harmony happen
                    2. J-P "Which lifestyle do you prefer?"
                      1. 'J' - work best when they can plan their work; use lists as agendas for action; may decide things too quickly
                        1. 'P' - adapt well to changing situations; may start too many projects; use lists as reminders of what to do that day; works well under pressure
                        2. Teams: we need to respect each others types; a combination of types is good for problem solving; the development of individuals should be around skill enhancement rather than personality development; tyranny of the "shoulds" (Horney)


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