Marketing creating


Chapter II
Natalia Restrepo
Mapa Mental por Natalia Restrepo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Natalia Restrepo
Criado por Natalia Restrepo aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Marketing creating
  1. Disruptive Way
    1. Create new markets
      1. Products
        1. Services
          1. Displace traditional markets
            1. Superior tech over old tech
          2. Offer a breakthrough solution for an existing industry problem
            1. Easiest interactions
              1. Re-create markets
                1. Core business strike
                  1. Disruptive creation
                2. Non - disruptive Way
                  1. Identify and solve a brand-new problem or seize a brand-new opportunity
                    1. Improve practices
                      1. New markets inside traditional ones
                        1. Get over boundaries
                        2. New Markets - Creation
                          1. Explore unexplored business
                            1. Generated by the market on its own
                            2. Mixed way
                              1. Redefine and solve an existing industry problem
                                1. Redefine problem focus
                                  1. Added Value
                                    1. Reach new customers
                                      1. Redefine traditional boundaries
                                        1. New opps
                                      2. VALUE INNOVATION
                                        1. Play for win
                                          1. Make it simple
                                            1. commercial success


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