Living in a Diverse Society: Is Harmony achievable?


Mind Map on Living in a Diverse Society: Is Harmony achievable?, created by Jocelyn Tan on 21/03/2018.
Jocelyn Tan
Mapa Mental por Jocelyn Tan, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jocelyn Tan
Criado por Jocelyn Tan aproximadamente 6 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Ease of doing business, Growth potential, stable political environment and well-established judiciary system attract multinational corporations (MNCs)
  1. Attract migrants looking for employment that may not exist in their home countries
    1. Demand for more workers
      1. Facing declining population
        1. Massive unemployment & lack of foreign direct investments
          1. Linked to manpower needs of the country
            1. Show commitment to Singapore
              1. Adapt to society
            2. Increasing tax and economic burden
              1. Foreign manpower needed
                1. Ability to contribute to Singapore
                  1. Immigration framework considers a range of factors:
                  2. CMIO(Chinese, Malay, Indian, Others) reflect racial markers used to shape policies in areas of education, housing and welfare
                    1. Implementation of double-barreled race option on 1st Jan 2011
                      1. Ethnicity refers to one’s ancestry, cultural practices, language, etc
                  3. Low birth rates leading to shrinking customer base
                    1. Organised collection of beliefs
                      1. Promote attitudes of compassion, sensitivity in believers’ interactions with others, and in helping others
                      2. CMIO(Chinese, Malay, Indian, Others) reflect racial markers used to shape policies in areas of education, housing and welfare
                        1. Implementation of double-barreled race option on 1st Jan 2011
                        2. Ethnicity refers to one’s ancestry, cultural practices, language, etc
                        3. Increasing old-age dependency ratio
                          1. Organised collection of beliefs
                        4. Comes with skills, valuable experiences and business networks to contribute ideas and expertise to Singapore’s economy
                          1. Immigrants bring diversity of cultures, practices and customs
                            1. Immigration policies
                              1. Linked to manpower needs of the country
                                1. Increasing old-age dependency ratio
                                  1. Increasing tax and economic burden
                                    1. Challenges in a diverse society
                                      1. Exchange and appreciation in a diverse society
                                        1. Interactions in a diverse society
                                          1. Challenges in a diverse society
                                            1. Exchange and appreciation in a diverse society
                                              1. Interactions in a diverse society
                                                1. Challenges in a diverse society
                                                  1. Exchange and appreciation in a diverse society
                                                    1. Interactions in a diverse society
                                                      1. Challenges in a diverse society
                                                        1. Exchange and appreciation in a diverse society
                                                          1. Interactions in a diverse society
                                                            1. Challenges in a diverse society
                                                              1. Exchange and appreciation in a diverse society
                                                                1. Interactions in a diverse society
                                                                2. Low birth rates leading to shrinking customer base
                                                                3. Massive unemployment & lack of foreign direct investments
                                                                  1. Brain drain as Easier to work overseas as they can speak English
                                                                    1. Demand for more workers
                                                                      1. Facing declining population
                                                                        1. Economic opportunities
                                                                    2. Foreign manpower needed
                                                                      1. Immigrants bring diversity of cultures, practices and customs
                                                                        1. Immigration framework considers a range of factors:
                                                                          1. Show commitment to Singapore
                                                                            1. Adapt to society
                                                                              1. Ability to contribute to Singapore
                                                                          2. Economic opportunities
                                                                            1. Promote attitudes of compassion, sensitivity in believers’ interactions with others, and in helping others
                                                                              1. Immigration policies
                                                                              2. Socio-cultural Environment
                                                                                1. Strong community support
                                                                                  1. Help foreigners feel more at home with immigrant support groups
                                                                                  2. Safe environment
                                                                                    1. Singapore has a relatively low crime rate due to Singapore’s laws
                                                                                    2. Quality educational system
                                                                                      1. Singapore education system— well- recognised and admired for its effectiveness and high standards
                                                                                        1. International students add to diversity as they can share their experiences and learning with fellow students
                                                                                    3. Brain drain as Easier to work overseas as they can speak English


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