Prepositions Showing Spatial Relationships between two or more objects


Mapa Mental sobre Prepositions Showing Spatial Relationships between two or more objects, criado por Kim Pruitt em 21-09-2014.
Kim Pruitt
Mapa Mental por Kim Pruitt, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Kim Pruitt
Criado por Kim Pruitt mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Prepositions Showing Spatial Relationships between two or more objects
  1. among
    1. I was among my friends.
    2. beside
      1. I wanted to sit beside the tree.
      2. between
        1. I stood between John and Will.
        2. in front of
          1. I wanted to sit in front of the class.
          2. next to
            1. I placed my pencil next to the book.
            2. in the middle of
              1. I remained in the middle of the group.
              2. behind
                1. I hid behind the tree.
                2. with
                  1. I was with my best friend.


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