Well control when Running casing


Cause of kick
Valdir Silva
Mapa Mental por Valdir Silva, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Valdir Silva
Criado por Valdir Silva mais de 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Well control when Running casing
  1. After running casing we are going to job cementing
    1. In this case many kicks result because reducing hydrostatic pressure during the operation.
      1. Stuck pipe migration
        1. Differential sticking
          1. Occurs when the mud pressure on the outside of wall of the drill pipe is greater than formation pressure
            1. Key seating
              1. A smaller diameter channel worn in to the side of the larger diameter wellbore
                1. Balloning formations
                  1. Phenomenon that occurs when the formations takes mud When the pumps are on, then given it back when the pumps are of.
                    1. mechanical failures
                      1. Washout in string
                        1. Pump failure
                          1. Washout in choke
                            1. Loss of seal on choke
                              1. Shears not separating pipe
                                1. BOP failing to operate
                                  1. Loss of accumulator fluid or pressure
                                    1. Alarm not work properly
                                      1. Human failures
                                        1. Lack of training
                                          1. Poor planning
                                            1. Complacency
                                              1. Questions
                                                1. 1 - What is suabbing
                                                  1. A - Mechanical reduction of hydrostatic pressure
                                                    1. 2 - When drilling into a transition zone, what two change would you expect to see in the mud.
                                                      1. A - Increase salinity and Increase in gas content
                                                        1. 3 - Which of the following is not a warning sign of an increasing formation pressure
                                                          1. A - Increase in shale density
                                                            1. 4 - What is the proper things to do before continuing the operation after ballooning has been confirmed the first time?
                                                              1. A - Circulate bottom up through a full open choke at a reduced rate.
                                                                1. 5 - You are drilling ahead at constant ROP, The shale shakers cannot handle the amount of cutting returning from the well. What is the safest thing to do?
                                                                  1. A - Check for flow - if there is none, circulate bottom up at a reduced rate so the shakers can handle the cutting volume.
                                                                    1. 6 - While making a connection, the driller closing the well due to an abnormally long flowback time. The stabilized surface pressure were equal at 150 psi on bolth gauges. You suspect the well is ballooning. after bleeding the pressure to zero in increment of 50 psi, the pressure stay at 0 psi, Oil based mud is in the hole.
                                                                      1. A - Open the choke and flow check, if negative, circulate bottoms up through the choke.


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