Matlab Function for Toy Example


Taihai Chen
Mapa Mental por Taihai Chen, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Taihai Chen
Criado por Taihai Chen mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Matlab Function for Toy Example
  1. Fun 1
    1. has to arrange the order of the frames
      1. what frames we support
        1. and then input to the next function with arranged frames
          1. set up policy that can limit and fliter the unreasonable number of frames
          2. Fun 2
            1. controller of the conversion layers
              1. basically to see which frame falls into which set within the modulo
            2. Fun 3
              1. once we have the well-organised frames from the fun 1, we then get to know how to activate the tristates
                1. once we've known the tristate, we then assign the individual stateAll of switches to the corresponding tristate
                  1. assume that
              2. Fun 4
                1. jump ahead: controller to tell whether this frame needs to jump
                  1. and then assign value to the upper and lower Muxes
                2. fun 6
                  1. to validate whether we have successfully connect the connPi from input to output
                    1. simply checking the output of fun4 to the 2nd row of connPi
                  2. main fun
                    1. a main function that link up fun 1 to fun 4


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