Frowd- Internal and external features


Interviewing witnesses
Mapa Mental por mollyax123, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por mollyax123 mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Frowd- Internal and external features
  1. Experiment 1
    1. 30 staff and students from Stirling University
      1. Target photos of 10 celebrities and 40 composites
        1. The images were produced by E-FIT, PRO-fit, Sketch and EvoFIT
        2. Three sets of composites were used
          1. Complete set
            1. Internal features
              1. External Features
              2. Participants were tested individually, asked to place composite infront of correct celebrity
                1. Whole composites and external features scored 35%, internal 19.5%
                2. Experiment 2
                  1. 48 undergraduates at Stirling University
                    1. Photo array/photo line up
                      1. Distracter faces and foils used either very hard or very easy.
                        1. Composties presented one at a time along with the photo array
                          1. Participants had to then pick out the celebrity face from the array which matched the composite.
                            1. Again composties were either internal or external
                      2. Composties of external features 42%, internal 19.5%
                      3. Experiment 3
                        1. 54 volunteers for sorting task, 8 paid witnesses
                          1. Familiar or unfamiliar target faces were presented to witnesses who created PRO-fit composties
                            1. Images were then photoshopped to create internal or external composites
                              1. These then presented to sorters as before with whole faces
                            2. Sorting was accurate at 57%, no difference between familiar and unfamiliar.
                              1. External 53%, internal 32%


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