Electric vehicles charging problem


Mind map about causes and possible solutions related to the charging of electric vehicles.
José Cayetano Bautista Expósito
Mapa Mental por José Cayetano Bautista Expósito, atualizado more than 1 year ago
José Cayetano Bautista Expósito
Criado por José Cayetano Bautista Expósito aproximadamente 5 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Electric vehicles charging problem
  1. What to do ?
    1. To install more charging points
      1. Any help?
        1. EU regulations -> New commercial and residential building
          1. Governments -> subsidies to consumers
            1. Industry-> More charging options available
          2. Better batteries
            1. How?
              1. Faster charging
                1. Higher capacity
              2. New vehicle power sources
                1. Which?
                  1. Solar panels
                    1. Charging roads
                      1. Wireless charging
                  2. Lead to
                    1. Future -> More & more EV.
                      1. Still reduced autonomy


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