concepts-1604 procedures mindmap


Concepts of surgical procedures mindmap
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concepts-1604 procedures mindmap
  1. UNIT 1;surgical intervention and resection concept
    1. RESECTION CONCEPT; 3 main support stuctures to resect
      1. support systems
        1. peritoneum, ligaments, connective tissue
        2. ducts
          1. blood supply
            1. arteries and veins
            2. CCCT;clamp clamp, cut, tie
            3. categories of surgery
              1. restorative surgery,Palliative surgery, Diagnostic surgery,prophylactic
              2. DRAINS
                1. passive
                  1. penrose drain, malecot urethral catheter;From high pressure to love pressure
                  2. active
                    1. 6 drains;negative pressure(removes air); hemovac drain, jackson pratt drain, constavac, Pleur evac, and VAC therapy, prevena wound management


                      • 6 drains here
                  3. Surgical complications
                    1. Infection, Respiratory distress, cardiac arrest, hemorhage, procedural or equipment mishap
                      1. Factors that increase risk of SSI; age, obesity, general health, carriers of MRSA, remote infection, pre-op hospitalization, pre-exisiting condition, malnutrition, malignancy
                  4. Abdominal incisions, UNIT 2
                    1. Tissue layers of the abdomen
                      1. skin, Sub-Q, muscle, fascia, peritoneum
                      2. abdominal quadrants
                        1. nine regions of the abdomen
                          1. classifications of abdominal incisions
                            1. thoracoabdominal
                              1. verticle; median or midline(upper midline, lower midline)
                                1. oblique
                                  1. transverse
                                2. Laparotomy UNIT 3
                                  1. surgical categories
                                    1. tissue layers; which instrument is used
                                      1. exploratory laparotomy
                                        1. reasons for it;
                                      2. laparoscopy UNIT 4
                                        1. instruments
                                          1. reasons for it
                                          2. Wound healing UNIT 5


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