Causes of 1789 Rev - Louis (Short term and Immediate)


All in all Louis was 'behind the curve' w/ events from 1787-89. His failure to present a govt position, failure to accept proposed reforms and willingness to use force to oppose the changes forced otherwise mod deps to become more radical and to increase their demands. He was, to put it bluntly, a rubbish King.
megan langdon
Mapa Mental por megan langdon, atualizado more than 1 year ago
megan langdon
Criado por megan langdon mais de 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Causes of 1789 Rev - Louis (Short term and Immediate)
  1. Failure to call Est-Gen when originally called for by Parl in 1787
    1. Exiling Paris Parl to Troyes
      1. Being forced to back down
      2. Louis acting like an absolute monarch w/out power to do so
        1. Appeared resentful and ridiculous
          1. Reacted rather than led
      3. Failure to make his position clear
        1. Agreed Dec 1788 to 'double the Third' but didn't clarify his position on voting by head/order
          1. When Est-Gen met on 5 May, Third Estate confused and appalled to find King still hadn't clarified his pos
            1. Seemed that he still supported voting by order
        2. Failure to set out a govt pos
          1. Most new deps would've been led by King if he had, on 5 May, proposed series of reforms on and a new guaranteed constit
            1. Fact he didn't force the Third to take matters into their own hands (Tennis Court Oath)
          2. Bumbling and lack of communication
            1. Locking the Third Estate out of their meeting hall on 20 June due to preps for Royal Sess
              1. Led to fears of King closing Est-Gen
              2. Directly led to Tennis Court Oath
              3. Royal Session (23 June) - too little too late
                1. Promises of reform made on 23 June would've satisfied Third Estate had Louis promised this on 5 May
                  1. E.G. Lettres de Cachet, Gabelle, Corvee
                    1. By 23 June, expectations and org of Third Estate had increased
                  2. Failure to see the world changing around him
                    1. During Royal Sess (23 June), Louis declared null and void the Third Estates creation of Nat Ass (17 June
                    2. 11 July - Dismissal of Necker sparked pop uprising
                      1. 11/12 July - attempt to use army (25,000 soldiers stationed in Paris) to close Nat Ass forced Third Estate to set up Paris Commune and Nat Guard
                        1. More radical than Nat Ass
                        2. Aug - Louis' policy of non-cooperation and failure to support Aug Decrees


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