A Comparison of Greed and Guilt through two different medias English Renaissance V.S Modern Times


Mapa Mental sobre A Comparison of Greed and Guilt through two different medias English Renaissance V.S Modern Times, criado por Starlight32 em 18-01-2015.
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A Comparison of Greed and Guilt through two different medias English Renaissance V.S Modern Times
  1. English Renaissance
    1. Macbeth by William Shakespeare
      1. Tragic Hero and a General in Duncan's Army
        1. Macbeth
          1. Act 1, Scene 3
            1. 3 witches tells Macbeth what his future holds (3 Prophecies)
              1. Macbeth believes the witches since one of the prophecies that the witches told him has come true
                1. Macbeth thinks immediately of murdering King Duncan (so the last prophecy of becoming King of Scotland has a chance of coming true)
                  1. Macbeth's whole idea of murdering the King terrifies him
                    1. Macbeth is showing guilt here
                      1. "This supernatural soliciting . . ." (I, iii, 140-142)
                      2. Macbeth is showing greed
                        1. "And make my seated . . ." (I, iii, 146-150).
                        2. "Two truths . . ." (I,iii,137-138).
                        3. Thane of Glamis
                          1. "All hail, Macbeth . . ." (I, iii, 50).
                          2. Thane of Cawdor
                            1. "All hail, Macbeth . . ." (I, iii, 51-52).
                            2. King of Scotland
                              1. "All hail, Macbeth . . ." (I, iii, 53).
                          3. Act 1, Scene 7
                            1. Macbeth has left the Royal Banquet to think about the act of killing King Duncan but is against his own thoughts about Killing the King
                              1. "If it were done . . . " (I, VII, 1-7).
                                1. Comes up with several reasons to not go any further with his plans
                                  1. "We still have judgement . . ." (I, VII, 8-21).
                                    1. Macbeth comes to a conclusion that he doesn't want to kill the king
                                      1. Macbeth's wife, Lady Macbeth walks in and Macbeth proceeds to tell her that they cannot carry on with there plan to kill King Duncan for various reasons
                                        1. "We will proceed . . ." (I, VII, 33-37).
                                          1. Lady Macbeth puts pressure on Macbeth saying that he isn't doing the right thing and he isn't being a man of his word
                                            1. "Was the hope . . ." (I, VII, 38-47).
                                      2. Macbeth is showing guilt here
                                    2. Act 5, Scene 1
                                      1. Lady Macbeth starts to go insane. She begins to sleep walk and is rubbing at her hands to remove the imaginary blood from the crime of killing King Duncan
                              2. Modern Times
                                1. Beastly
                                  1. "Thinks of himself as God's gift"
                                    1. Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer)
                                      1. Beginning of the Movie
                                        1. Kyle had everything that some could hope and dream for
                                          1. He is wealthy
                                            1. He is good looking
                                              1. He is popular
                                                1. he only spoke to people who were part of the incrowd
                                                  1. He was rude to people that were on the outskirts of the incrowd
                                                    1. In the movie, he puts down an unpopular girl, Kendra Hilferty (Mary-Kate Olsen), calling her a type and disable face
                                                      1. Kyle is showing greed by his actions towards Kendra, an unpopular girl
                                                        1. Kendra is a witch who is able to cast spells on anyone that she wishes to
                                                        2. In the movie, Kendra goes to a dance party hoping to give Kyle a second chance
                                                          1. There, Kendra realizes that Kyle has not changed his ways and has come to a decision to cast a spell on Kyle
                                                            1. From the spell that is casted upon Kyle, he ends up losing everything that he's got going for him
                                                              1. He loses his hair and has lots of veins
                                                                1. Loses his confidence because of the hideous way he looks
                                                                  1. Kyle hides in the comforts of his home and is tutored by a blind man
                                                                    1. Kyle only goes out at night time with a black hoodie so no one will see him
                                                                    2. Throughout the movie, Kyle realizes that you don't just need to be beautiful to find happiness and that looks aren't everything and it's whats on the inside that count the most
                                                                      1. He realizes that he misses the relationship that he had with an old classmate
                                                                        1. Kyle starts to treat his housekeeper better and his tutor
                                                                          1. Kyle is showing guilt because he has come to the realization off how bad he has treated
                                                                            1. Kyle eventually falls in love with his old classmate who likes him just the way he is, hideous or not
                                                                            2. Kyle only has a year to find true love or he will remain hideous forever
                                                                        2. Kyle has no respect for his housekeeper
                                                                        3. He thought that he was better than everyone else
                                                                          1. In the beginning of the movie, the candidate speeches for the school's green committee are taking place and Kyle Kingson states that "beautiful people get it better. That's just the way it is."
                                                                            1. Kyle is showing greed by his actions
                                                                              1. A little later on in the movie, Kyle's father reiterates this point stating that "people like people who look good"
                                                                          2. He is the President of the Green Committee


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