task 2, mind map- technology


unad task 2
camila torres borja
Mapa Mental por camila torres borja, atualizado more than 1 year ago
camila torres borja
Criado por camila torres borja mais de 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

task 2, mind map- technology
  1. improve literary writing through digital
    1. it is an important component for the classroom curriculum
      1. through
        1. BLOG
          1. MICROBLOGGING
            1. SOCIAL NETWORKS
          2. digital media help to collect and organize information to improve writing
            1. The purpose of this strategy is to improve the formal writing of English
            2. a mobile-based.learning
              1. two rules to implement it
                1. review and analyze grammar sequences
                  1. other mistakes make revise words
                  2. Its objective is to improve the ability of writing in English
                    1. mobile devices with a communication interface
                      1. contains activity and knowledge
                        1. It provides the option to choose the type of learning. between grammar and writing practice
                    2. mobible learning to improve writing
                      1. the acquisition by digital means will be brief, clear and attractive
                        1. allows feedback and autonomy
                        2. using digital media and applications allows easy access to new information


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