A Student's Experience


This is a mind map where the main ideas from the reading A Students Experience are displayed.
María Carolina Abella Hulett
Mapa Mental por María Carolina Abella Hulett, atualizado more than 1 year ago
María Carolina Abella Hulett
Criado por María Carolina Abella Hulett quase 4 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

A Student's Experience
  1. his experience was unique and exciting
    1. he could reflect on hid own experience
      1. he understood what ecotourism is
      2. stayed in an inn
        1. only 12 guests
          1. electrical generator for lightning
            1. no cable, no internet
              1. hot water by propane gas heater
              2. The Conservatory
                1. creates
                  1. strong networks
                    1. local tourist agencies
                      1. international tourists
                      2. what for?
                        1. to have harmonic relationship with the environment
                      3. plans
                        1. small group tourist visits
                        2. provides
                          1. unspoiled wilderness
                            1. diverse wildlife
                              1. friendly people
                                1. peaceful conditions
                                  1. What for?
                                    1. to reflect on
                                      1. how you impact or worsen the degradation of those places
                                        1. how you can preserve them and support local communities
                                  2. he learned
                                    1. how to protect wildlife
                                      1. how to enjoy nature
                                        1. Apurimac Canyon
                                        2. how to help more
                                          1. Condor observation research
                                        3. Conclusion
                                          1. made him a much better person and professional
                                            1. made it a rewarding experience


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