Error Corrections


corrections mind map
Janeth Aceves
Mapa Mental por Janeth Aceves, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Janeth Aceves
Criado por Janeth Aceves quase 9 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Error Corrections
  1. Errors
    1. lack in linguistic knowledge
      1. systematicity
        1. Interlingual
          1. Intralingual
            1. Simplification
              1. Enviromental
              2. Mistakes
                1. Misguided
                  1. action
                    1. Judgement
                      1. stepping stones
                        1. Learn from them
                        2. Areas of language
                          1. Structure
                            1. writing structure
                              1. Punctuation
                                1. Capitalization
                                2. Lexicon
                                  1. cognates
                                    1. word choice
                                    2. discourse
                                      1. Formal
                                        1. Informal
                                    3. Techniques
                                      1. cueing
                                        1. Key words
                                          1. possible answers
                                            1. syntax
                                              1. number
                                                1. stress
                                            2. gestures
                                              1. dont judge
                                                1. dont use same techniques to correct all
                                              2. rephrasing
                                                1. questioning
                                                  1. Yes/No
                                                  2. self correction
                                                    1. Peer work
                                                      1. non verbal correction
                                                    2. grammatical terms
                                                      1. pin pointing


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                                                      Janeth Aceves
                                                      Janeth Aceves
                                                      The Very Hungry Caterpillar_1
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