Headaches (Brain Tumors )


Mapa Mental sobre Headaches (Brain Tumors ), criado por samah kannas em 24-10-2021.
samah kannas
Mapa Mental por samah kannas, atualizado more than 1 year ago
samah kannas
Criado por samah kannas mais de 2 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Headaches (Brain Tumors )
  1. DD of Headache + Vomiting
    1. Pregnancy
      1. Migraine
        1. Fatigue
          1. Dehydration
            1. Infection \ flu
              1. Stress \ Anxiety
              2. Headache Types
                1. Tension
                  1. Cluster
                    1. Migraine
                    2. Investigations
                      1. Blood tests
                        1. Imaging modalities
                          1. CT
                            1. MRI
                              1. Post-partum Biopsy
                                1. Cranial nerve & Eye examination
                                2. Confirmed Diagnosis
                                  1. Brain tumor
                                    1. Types
                                      1. Adults Tumors
                                        1. Glioblastoma multiforme
                                          1. Malignant high grade tumors of astrocytes , usually in the cortex and cross to other sides , and it's the most common primary tumor in adults
                                          2. Meningioma
                                            1. A benign tumor from the arachinoid cells , shown as a mass from the dura matter and don't invade the cortex
                                            2. Schwannoma
                                              1. a benign tumor arising from the Schwann cells in the cranial or the spinal nerves
                                            3. Children Tumors
                                              1. Medulloblastoma
                                                1. Malignant tumor derived from the neuroectoderm and histology shows small rounded blue rosettes : Hamer-Wright cells may be seen
                                                2. Pilocytic Astrocytoma
                                                  1. a benign tumor from astrocytes & Appear as cystic lesion with mural nodules on imaging
                                                  2. Ependymoma
                                                    1. a malignant tumor in the ependymal cells arising from the fourth ventricle and usually shows pseudorosettes
                                                  3. Metastatic
                                                  4. Prognosis
                                                    1. Depends on the tumor type : meningioma and Schwannoma have good prognosis , but poor prognosis for Glioblastoma multiforme
                                                    2. Management
                                                      1. Anti-cancer agents
                                                        1. Surgical excision
                                                          1. Radiotherapy
                                                            1. Shunt for ICP
                                                              1. Corticosteroids & anticonvulsants
                                                              2. Risk factors
                                                                1. Gene Errors
                                                                  1. Age
                                                                    1. Substance abuse
                                                                      1. Radiation exposure
                                                                    1. Signs & Symptoms
                                                                      1. Signs of high ICP
                                                                        1. Blurred Vision
                                                                          1. Anatomy of the orbit
                                                                            1. Anatomy of the visual pathway
                                                                              1. Physiology of the photoreceptors
                                                                              2. Nausea & vomiting
                                                                                1. Bulging of the eyeballs
                                                                                  1. Dizziness
                                                                                    1. Diplopia
                                                                                    2. Generalized
                                                                                      1. Weight & appetite loss
                                                                                        1. Fever
                                                                                          1. Seizures
                                                                                            1. fatigue
                                                                                          2. Epidemiology
                                                                                            1. The annual global age-standardized incidence of primary malignant brain tumors is ~3.7 per 100,000 for males and 2.6 per 100,000 for females2, 3. Rates appear to be higher more developed countries (males, 5.8 and females, 4.1 per 100,000) than in less developed countries (males 3.0 and females 2.1 per 100,000).


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