River Discharge


Mind map Page 111 Question 3
Jasmine Macdonald
Mapa Mental por Jasmine Macdonald, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Jasmine Macdonald
Criado por Jasmine Macdonald mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

River Discharge
  1. Definition
    1. The volume of water passing a given point in river at any moment in time
    2. Influences
      1. weather
        1. Amount of rain fall
          1. High river levels
            1. Low river levels
              1. Hydrological Cycle
                1. High amounts of rain
                  1. Rain saturates the soil and underlying rock
                  2. Drizzle
                    1. There is time for water to infiltrate the soil and underlying rock
                      1. Freeing up space for more rain
                2. rainfall, temp, conditions
                3. Physical Factors
                  1. Human Land Use
                  2. Tempreature
                    1. Loss of water from the drainage basin and level of discharge
                      1. Higher
                        1. loss of water via evaporation and transpiration
                          1. Water levels go down
                      2. Previous weather conditions
                        1. Dry
                          1. longer for water to reach river
                            1. amount will be less than if there had been a number of wet days
                        2. Rock Types
                          1. How much water infiltrates and stays on the surface
                          2. Land Use
                            1. Effect of people
                              1. Deforestation
                                1. Trees removed
                                  1. water reaches surface faster
                                    1. Trees do not extract water from the gorund
                                  2. Urbanisation
                                    1. Expanding towns create an iimpermeable surface
                                      1. Worse
                                        1. building drains to take water away from buildings quickly
                                  3. Rainfall in Sheffield
                                    1. Between 13 June until flooding on 26 June
                                      1. 14 June rainfall was 88.2
                                        1. Shows it rained most of the day
                                          1. Number is very high and its building up from the first day with 30.3mm of rainfall
                                            1. Flood may accur
                                          2. Some days were high rain fall however others were not.
                                            1. Flood could come after days of rain weather its high rain or low.
                                              1. The ground can also depend on the flood
                                            2. Relief affects rate in which water runs off the land surface and into the rivers
                                              1. Slopes
                                                1. Fast run off
                                                  1. Water spills faster due to gravity
                                                    1. Gravity
                                                  2. Gentle
                                                    1. Time for infiltration


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