The endings in Tis' Pity & WOB


Mapa Mental sobre The endings in Tis' Pity & WOB, criado por Sal Morejo em 21-01-2016.
Sal Morejo
Mapa Mental por Sal Morejo, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Sal Morejo
Criado por Sal Morejo mais de 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

The endings in Tis' Pity & WOB
  1. Justice
    1. Society
      1. Final speaches
        1. Giovanni dreams of a heroic death but only gets a common death from the hand of a servent
          1. Justice and auctoritee is found when the man submits to his wife, Jankyn does this
          2. Moral messege
            1. Forbidden love will always be punished
              1. punishment will be given to those who have sinned
              2. Secrets cant always stay secret
                1. Society condmens what is different
                  1. Women are the dominant sex
                    1. Conflicting
                  2. Religion
                    1. Catholicism
                      1. Protestant audience in Tis' Pity
                      2. Audience response
                        1. Shock
                          1. Confusion
                            1. Humour
                            2. What would happen next
                              1. The bloodline i gone and religion holds all their possesions, in a sense religion has control over them in life as well as death
                                1. P: The wife continues to have control over men and possible has another husband
                                  1. T:similarly to the prologue, women continue to have dominance over men
                                2. Do they remain true?
                                  1. Audience
                                    1. Original sympathy for Givanni
                                      1. Perhaps belived repentance was inevitable
                                        1. Is it always a facade like stated with "Myn entente is only to pleye"?
                                        2. Society
                                          1. Society reacts just as expected
                                        3. Writers messege
                                          1. Has justice been served?
                                            1. Chaucer may be mocking the wife and hag or showing their ultimate superiority over men
                                            2. Key themes
                                              1. Sex
                                                1. Religion
                                                  1. Death
                                                    1. Justice
                                                      1. Plotting
                                                        1. Duplicity
                                                          1. love
                                                            1. Money
                                                              1. Marriage
                                                                1. Irony
                                                                  1. Power
                                                                  2. key:
                                                                    1. tis pity
                                                                      1. Both
                                                                        1. wob


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