International Cuisine


Mapa Mental por gavin.garcha1997, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por gavin.garcha1997 mais de 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

International Cuisine
  1. Special Dietary needs
    1. Religious
      1. Sikh
        1. Don't eat beef
          1. Vegatarian
        2. Medical
          1. Culture
            1. Intolerances
            2. Task: The local hotel in your area is holding an international week. As the trainee chef you have been invited to take part and have been asked to prepare two - course meal from a country of your choice.
              1. Countries
                1. India
                  1. Regional
                    1. Punjab
                      1. Goa
                        1. Mumbai
                    2. What influences the cuisine in particular countries
                      1. Parents
                        1. Home recipes
                        2. Inspirational
                          1. TV chefs
                          2. Religion
                            1. Migration
                            2. What promotes or affects International Cuisine
                              1. TV chefs
                                1. Supermarkets
                                  1. Travel
                                    1. Restaruant
                                      1. Cook books
                                      2. What is International Cusine
                                        1. A combination of different culinary traditions from around the world
                                        2. Government Guidelines
                                          1. Healthy eating
                                          2. Quality & Range
                                            1. From country's I don't know
                                              1. Manufactured & International food
                                                1. Specialist Shop


                                              Phrasal Verbs
                                              Alessandra S.
                                              Plano de Estudo - Semana 1
                                              Alessandra S.
                                              CAv - controle de avarias
                                              willian reis
                                              Todos os verbos irregulares em inglês com tradução
                                              Luiz Fernando
                                              METODOLOGIA E PRÁTICA DE ALFABETIZAÇÃO E LETRAMENTO
                                              ORAÇÕES SUBORDINADAS ADVERBIAIS
                                              Raíza Da Cunha
                                              II Guerra Mundial
                                              GoConqr suporte .
                                              Trabalho de Português
                                              Williana Karoline Vieira Fontenele
                                              PODER EXECUTIVO I
                                              Mateus de Souza
                                              Citações para Redação - ENEM
                                              Jayne Torres