1924 - 1929 The Golden Years


Mapa Mental sobre 1924 - 1929 The Golden Years, criado por n4tinho em 06-02-2014.
Mapa Mental por n4tinho, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por n4tinho aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

1924 - 1929 The Golden Years
  1. Stressemann
    1. Good speaker and administrator
      1. Appointed chancellor to deal with hyperinflation
        1. Lost support of Reichstag
          1. Called off passive resistance in the Ruhr
            1. Became foreign secretary
            2. Successes
              1. Introduced Dawes plan 1924
                1. Included US loan of 800m gold marks
                  1. Germany borrowed $3000m from US banks
                  2. Introduced temporary currency called the Rentenmark
                    1. Could be exchanged for land or industry
                      1. Following year converted into Reichsmark
                        1. Restored value and reduced inflation
                      2. Improved relations with Britain and France
                        1. Ended passive resistance in the Ruhr
                          1. Signed Locarno Treaties of 1925
                            1. Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
                              1. Took Germany into league of nations
                                1. 1928 - Germany signed Kellog-Briand pact
                                  1. Payments would start at £50m and increase to £150m over 5 year period
                                  2. Failures
                                    1. German nationalists didnt like Dawes plan
                                      1. Gave Allies partial control over Germany's railways and the German state bank
                                      2. German nationalists didnt like young plan
                                        1. Against further payments of reparations


                                      História da Arte - Barroco
                                      Bruno Torrezan
                                      Direito Penal - Escrevente TJ-SP
                                      Luiz Gustavo Muzzi Rodrigues
                                      Escritorio de Arquitetura-ARQTrello
                                      Nataniel Neto
                                      Guia de Estudos para o ENEM
                                      GoConqr suporte .
                                      120 pegadinhas em lingua portuguesa parte 1
                                      Fabio Lima
                                      Direito - Direito de Família
                                      Natanael Lima
                                      Contextualização da Aula 3 - Gestão - Administração da Carreira Profissional
                                      Fabrícia Assunção
                                      REINO MONERA 7 ANO CAPÍTULO 3
                                      Taína Garcia Moreno Tomazella
                                      Técnica Feynman
                                      vivi sousa