What kind of effects does dance/movement therapy have on the physical and emotional well-being of pediatric oncology patients?


A mind map to illustrate how dance/movement therapy may or may not effect the physical and emotional well-being of pediatric oncology patients
Mapa Mental por megan.e.schaefer, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por megan.e.schaefer quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

What kind of effects does dance/movement therapy have on the physical and emotional well-being of pediatric oncology patients?
  1. Find previous studies about dance therapy
    1. Study - DMT as intervention technique for coping skills


      • http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23727761
      1. Internationonal DMT therapy research


        • http://www.academia.edu/444214/International_Dance_Movement_Therapy_Research_Theory_Methods_and_Empirical_Findings
      2. Effects on adults with DMT therapy versus children with DMT therapy
        1. Is this type of therapy more effective in one party over the other?
        2. What are the physical benefits?
          1. What are the emotional benefits?


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