Judaism Festivals/Celebrations Complete


A Religious Studies Mind-map that describes the Pesach, Shabbat, and Shavuot Jewish celebrations.
Thomas McCarthy0363
Mapa Mental por Thomas McCarthy0363, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Thomas McCarthy0363
Criado por Thomas McCarthy0363 quase 8 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Judaism Festivals/Celebrations Complete
  1. Festivals / Celebrations
    1. Shabbat
      1. Shabbat takes place every Saturday
        1. Jews are not allowed to do any 'work' on Shabbat. This includes: Cooking, household chores, work (as in Job), use light or heat (fridges also included)
          1. There are 2 loaves of bread. The father blesses the wine first. The bread is covered in a cloth to stop it 'seeing' the wine being blessed first and therefore become jealous.
            1. The mother of the house lights 2 candles and covers her eyes whilst she blesses them.
              1. It is the Jewish day of rest
              2. Pesach (The Passover)
                1. On the evening before passover Jewish families take place in a service called Seder which happens over a meal
                  1. This meal contains: A lamb bone, a roasted egg, a green vegetable for them to dip in salt water, bitter herbs made from horseradish, and a charoset.
                    1. A Charoset is a paste of chopped apples, wine, and walnuts)
                  2. The passover celebration lasts for about 7-8 days
                  3. Shavuot
                    1. A celebration of the giving of the decalogue (10 commandments)


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