Greek Mythology


A-Level Bodas Mapa Mental sobre Greek Mythology, criado por pri9494 em 27-04-2013.
Mapa Mental por pri9494, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Criado por pri9494 aproximadamente 11 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Greek Mythology
  1. Elementos de 'La Tragedia Griega'
    1. The poems & the women of the final act play the role of the chorus
      1. A device that keeps the audience informed
    2. las Tres Parcas en la Mitología Griega
      1. Represented by the women & the child
        1. A3CU
        2. 'hilo de lana' - thread of wool
          1. Symbolises the lives of Leonardo & the Novio, which are cut short
          2. 3 lovers - el triángulo amoroso
          3. The Moon
            1. Often used to represent innocence/purity (general literature)
              1. contrast to La Luna because she wants blood
            2. The chorus also foreshadows the events in the future of the play
              1. el Destino
                1. Lorca suggests that destiny is the most powerful force and one cannot avoid their fate
                  1. Eg. For Leonardo, in the lullaby "el caballo grande que no quiso el agua"
                    1. 'Large horse who didn't want the water'
                      1. Leonardo doesn't want to die or go against society (who say they can't be together)
                2. "El agua era negra."
                  1. Link to the River Styx
                    1. The underworld to death (foreshadow)
                      1. Waiting for death
                        1. Purgatory
                      2. Una referencia a la Mitología Romana
                        1. Scene with la Luna
                          1. Durante su soliloquio
                          2. The characteristics and wants of La Luna are similar to the image of DIANA
                            1. Roman Goddess of the Moon and 'the Hunt'


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