Chicken Coop Mind Map


Mapa Mental sobre Chicken Coop Mind Map, criado por Connor Sherwood em 18-03-2014.
Connor Sherwood
Mapa Mental por Connor Sherwood, atualizado more than 1 year ago
Connor Sherwood
Criado por Connor Sherwood aproximadamente 10 anos atrás

Resumo de Recurso

Chicken Coop Mind Map
  1. What I will use to present my work
    1. Microsoft Office PowerPoint
      1. I will use PowerPoint for my presentation
      2. Excel
        1. I will use this for how much the chickens cost and what breed they are
        2. ExamTime to make my mind map
        3. Will I be working in a pair or on my own
          1. I am working with a pair
            1. I am working with a pair because then you have more than one brain
          2. What is a chicken coop
            1. A chicken coop is a shelter where there is a nesting box for the chickens to lay their eggs in. There is a coop/house for them to sleep in and for them to rest. There is also a free running area where they just run around and have fun.
            2. Where will I put my chicken coop
              1. I will put my chicken coop in the ditch on the oval
                1. I will put it in the ditch because it is quiet and not very many people would annoy the chickens


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